Pilot Point Veterinary Services

Finding the perfect care for your horse can sometimes feel like a challenging task. As owners, we all want nothing but the best for our animals, particularly regarding their health and well-being.

At Shalako K | Veterinary Medicine, we understand these challenges ourselves—navigating the complex field of equine veterinary medicine in search of treatments that go beyond mere basics to truly boost performance and overall quality of life.

We’re familiar with your concerns because they’ve been our concerns too. Our approach is rooted in specialized areas such as acupressure and veterinary chiropractic, supplemented by cutting-edge diagnostic tools including ultrasonography and a comprehensive reference laboratory for essential tests like bloodwork and fecals.

We provide customized solutions designed specifically for equine athletes in Pilot Point and surrounding areas. From performance evaluations to vaccines, EIA testing (Coggins), health certificates, and more—we bring everything you need directly to you!

Mobile Equine Veterinary Services

We offer specialized equine veterinary services including performance evaluations, vaccines, EIA Testing (Coggins), and health certificates. Our diagnostic services encompass digital radiography, ultrasonography, and we provide a reference laboratory for bloodwork and fecals.


Pilot Point Mobile Equine Veterinary Services

Performance Evaluations


EIA Testing (Coggins)

Health Certificates

Diagnostic Services

Digital Radiography


Reference Laboratory For Bloodwork And Fecals

Performance Evaluations

Our team is all about figuring out what stops horses from doing their best in sports. We examine them closely to find any problems that might mess with their performance. Our work mixes new tech with a deep knowledge of how horse bodies and movements work.

We use technology such such as digital pictures (radiography) and soundwave scans (ultrasonography) along with traditional veterinary medicine.


Equine vaccinations are an essential component of preventive healthcare, essential for safeguarding horses against various life-threatening diseases. Vaccines work by stimulating the horse’s immune system to recognize and combat specific pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of severe illnesses. A well-planned vaccination schedule, tailored to each horse’s age, lifestyle, and exposure risks, is vital for maintaining herd health and preventing outbreaks. Some of the key diseases that equine vaccinations protect against include:

  • Eastern equine encephalomyelitis
  • Western equine encephalomyelitis
  • West Nile virus
  • Tetanus
  • Rabies

By prioritizing these vaccinations, horse owners can ensure their animals remain healthy and resilient against preventable diseases, ultimately promoting their longevity and quality of life.

EIA Testing (Coggins)

Coggins testing is a vital diagnostic procedure used to detect equine infectious anemia (EIA), a potentially fatal viral disease affecting horses, donkeys, and mules. This blood test identifies the presence of antibodies against the EIA virus, ensuring early detection and preventing the spread of this highly contagious disease. Regular Coggins testing is essential, especially for horses that travel, participate in competitions, or are introduced to new herds. It is often required by law for interstate transport and entry into many equestrian events and facilities. By adhering to Coggins testing protocols, horse owners and caretakers can maintain the health and safety of their equine populations, mitigating the risk of EIA outbreaks and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Health certificates

Traveling to shows or a fair? We provide health certificates for horses. These are important for travel and competitions, making sure your horses meet all necessary health requirements. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate equine health needs and ensuring that your horses receive top-notch care every step of the way.

Diagnostic services

We provide thorough diagnostic services, such as digital X-rays, ultrasound, and lab work for blood and fecal samples. Our team uses the latest technology to diagnose accurately and quickly.

We focus on meeting the unique needs of horse athletes to keep them healthy and performing at their best. Our dedication lies in offering personalized care that prioritizes the well-being of equine athletes.

In choosing our veterinary services, you can count on our experienced team to give you exceptional care.

Digital radiography

Our veterinary practice uses advanced technology to quickly and accurately diagnose issues. We use digital X-ray for immediate image acquisition and sharing. This modern approach provides excellent image quality, allowing for precise evaluation of bone structure and soft tissues, ensuring your horse receives the best care without delays.


Ultrasound uses sound waves to make images of body parts. It’s safe and lets us see inside a horse’s body – such as their tendons, ligaments, and organs. This helps find musculoskeletal diseases and injuries, guiding treatment plans for your horses.

This tool gives important information, letting us plan care better for your horses. Through ultrasound, we learn about internal structures that may not be seen from the outside. 

Reference laboratory for bloodwork and fecals

At our mobile veterinary practice, we work with a reference lab for  bloodwork and fecal testing for horses. Our partnership allows us to offer advanced diagnostic services to support your horse’s health.

Why Choose Shalako | Veterinary Medicine for Your Pilot Point Horses?

We bring the knowledge and experience to provide comprehensive care for your horses. Our focus is on promoting the health and performance of equine athletes through advanced diagnostic services and personalized attention.

Experienced and knowledgeable team

Our team has experienced and passionate staff dedicated to providing excellent care for your horses. 

In addition to equine patients, we also provide canine sports veterinary care. We take pride in delivering advanced diagnostic services through digital radiography, ultrasonography, and reference laboratory.

When you choose us as your veterinary partner, rest assured that your horse dog  is in capable hands with a team dedicated to enhancing their overall well-being.

Comprehensive and personalized care for horses

We specialize in giving personalized care to your horses. We know that each horse is different and we cater our services to meet their needs for good health and strong performance.

Advanced diagnostic services

We utilize advanced tools such as  digital radiography and ultrasonography to understand your horse’s health. These modern techniques help us uncover health issues accurately and quickly.

Our goal is to unlock the secrets of your horse’s health so they can receive top-notch care.

Focus on equine and canine athlete health and performance

We focus on caring for the health and performance of equine and canine athletes. Our specialized services include sports medicine, chiropractic care, and acupressure therapy to manage pain, aid recovery from injuries, and improve athletic performance.

Dr. Kaci Merk, with over 210 hours of accredited animal chiropractic training leads our team in delivering care that focuses on restoring musculoskeletal function without drugs or surgery.

Our approach sets us apart and provides real benefits for your horse’s well-being by integrating veterinary chiropractic treatment with acupressure therapy – focusing on their long-term welfare while optimizing neuromuscular functioning.

Unique Approach to Veterinary Care

Our unique approach to veterinary care encompasses veterinary chiropractic and acupressure therapy, offering benefits for the overall well-being of your equine companions.

dr. kaci and horses

Veterinary chiropractic

Our veterinary chiropractic care is designed specifically for your horses. We aim to restore and maintain proper function in your horses’ neuromusculoskeletal system without using drugs or surgery.

Dr. Kaci Merk, DVM, has undergone 210 hours of accredited training for animal chiropractic and is recognized by the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA). 

Acupressure therapy

Equine acupressure is a holistic therapy that involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on a horse’s body to stimulate natural healing processes and promote overall well-being. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, this non-invasive technique aims to balance the horse’s energy flow, enhancing physical and emotional health. Acupressure can effectively address various conditions, including musculoskeletal issues, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and stress-related behaviors. By targeting precise acupoints, practitioners can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and support the immune system. Equine acupressure not only helps in the recovery from injuries and illnesses but also serves as a preventive measure, contributing to the horse’s optimal performance and quality of life.

Benefits of chiropractic and acupressure therapy

At Shalako K | Veterinary Medicine, we offer chiropractic and acupressure therapy for horses. These treatments can improve spine and pelvis movement, enhance performance, and reduce the need for high doses of pain relievers with potential side effects.

Acupressure therapy can also aid in healing injuries and restoring normal function in horses. Combining these therapies helps maintain a healthy neuromusculoskeletal system without relying on drugs or surgery.

Additionally, our alternative therapies focus on overall health and well-being rather than just symptom management. They take a holistic approach to animal health by addressing root causes through natural methods while reducing reliance on traditional medications.

Contact Us and Appointment Booking

Ready to provide personalized, comprehensive care for your equine and canine companions? Book an appointment with us today.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should I consider using the veterinary chiropractic services at Shalako K | Vet Medicine?

You should consider using the veterinary chiropractic services at Shalako K | Vet Medicine at your Pilot Point, TX ranch or barn, because we specialize in enhancing the health and performance of equine and canine athletes through expert chiropractic care. Our services are designed to address musculoskeletal issues, improve mobility, and alleviate pain, ensuring your animal companions achieve optimal physical condition. In the realm of canine sports medicine, our chiropractic adjustments are particularly beneficial for active dogs, aiding in injury prevention, faster recovery, and maintaining peak performance levels. Located in the heart of Pilot Point, we are dedicated to providing personalized, high-quality care that supports the well-being and athletic success of your horses and dogs.

How can I schedule my horses’s or dog’s appointment for the veterinary chiropractic service?

Scheduling an appointment is easy! Just give us a call or book online.

What veterinary services do you provide in Pilot Point?

We offer a wide range of care, from routine check-ups to specialized treatments like veterinary chiropractic, acupressure, and sports medicine.