Here’s the Buzz – Protecting Your Horse from Flies and Insects

Is your horse constantly swatting at flies? Not only can biting insects be a nuisance for our equine companions, but they can also carry diseases. Luckily, there are some simple ways you can keep your horse protected and eliminate biting insects. 

Here’s what you need to know! 

Cleanliness is Key! 

Manure piles are a major breeding ground for flies and other pesky insects. Frequently cleaning your horse’s stall can go a long way in reducing the number of flies in your barn. When cleaning out the stall, make sure you are removing all manure and any wet shavings. 

When improving the cleanliness of your barn, you will also need to consider how you are disposing of manure and waste. Large manure piles outside the barn can be problematic. Instead, keep your manure piles away from the barn and consider manure removal services. If your manure is not being removed frequently, you may need to use an insecticide to reduce insect numbers. 

Eliminate Standing Water 

Standing water is another area where insects can thrive. If you are struggling with a fly problem, check your barn and pastures for areas where water may be collecting. This can include sites with poor drainage or unused feeders where rainwater can collect. If you have a wash stall or hose, check for potential leaks and make sure drains are in good working order. 

Improve Ventilation 

A nice breeze can be a welcome relief on those hot summer days. However, a breeze can do more than just keep your horse cool. Flies and other flying insects prefer calm and still air. A nice breeze can inhibit their ability to fly and help keep them off your horse. 

If your horse struggles with flies in their stall, consider setting up a fan to improve airflow and ventilation. You can hang some fans outside or above your horse’s stall to provide some immediate relief. Larger fans can also be used in barn aisles to further reduce your insect problem. 

Dont Forget to Vaccinate! 

Even if you are taking all the precautions to limit your horse’s exposure to flies and other biting insects, it’s critical to ensure your horse is vaccinated. Vaccines protect against many diseases that biting insects can spread and are essential for your horse’s long-term health. The American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends adult horses are vaccinated every year for Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, Western Equine Encephalomyelitis, and West Nile Virus. 

In some cases, more frequent vaccination may be necessary to ensure your horse is fully protected. Our team is happy to discuss your horse’s needs and provide recommendations for appropriate vaccination.

Final Thoughts

If you’re tired of the constant buzz of flies in your barn, you’re not alone! Flies and other biting insects are a serious problem for many horse owners and can even put your horse’s health at risk. Because of this, it’s essential to take precautions to reduce the number of pests around your barn and ensure your horse is protected. 

If you have questions about your horse’s vaccination status or would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you and hope these tips will help you say goodbye to those pesky flies!